Saturday, April 17, 2010

Congratulations "LITTLE" for being part of the San Francisco LGBT International Film Festival!

Dear Sigrid Andrea P.,

Congratulations! Your film, "Little", has been selected to screen at
Frameline34, the San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival, June 17th ­
27th, 2010. We will be sending you more specific information regarding the
festival and the screening of your film, soon.

In the meantime, please verify that the Title, Director Names and Print
Source information printed below are correct, including: capitalization,
spelling, accented characters, etc. This is the information that will be
printed in our Program Guide. Please confirm the premiere status of your
film, as well.

Film Title:

Director Name(s):
Sigrid Andrea P. Bernardo

Print Source:
Sigrid Andrea P. Bernardo

Premiere status: World

* Guys, Congrats to all of us,It's our world premiere!=)